![]() 10/29/2013 at 08:42 • Filed to: Wantlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
An ///M5. Specifically an E39. Because the E60s are still too expensive, and flappy-paddle blarg blarg blarg. So am I crazy for wanting to sell my E300 Turbodiesel, and get one of these instead?
I want one soooo bad right now...(I don't want to sell the Z4, because it's a roadster, and I would hate to lose the droptop)
Have more pictures.
![]() 10/29/2013 at 08:49 |
Maybe this will help you decide:
![]() 10/29/2013 at 09:03 |
No, you're right. You want an E39 M5. I was on track with a couple of them at my last event. They're just as awesome as they were 10 years ago.
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I'm with you. Also, I want to know more about your Z4. I'm seriously thinking about getting one next year. Which one do you have? What's your favorite thing about it?
I'm looking at M model naturally and also a cherry 2006+ Z4 3.0si.
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At least one of my friends has expressed interest in buying the E300. That way I'm likely the person who would be tapped to repair some of the mechanical issues.
My dad points out that it will get gas mileage closer to my truck than to my E300 or Z4.
"Dad, do I sound like I give a shit?"
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If one buys an M, one must not be shy about burning dinosaurs.
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I have a black 2007 3.0si. I wanted an ///M, but they were way out of the price range.
Honestly, I didn't feel as if I was missing anything with the 3.0si, other than even faster acceleration. The N52 is a good motor, and good on the track. Electric power steering? I don't think it's an issue.
The one real difference depending on what you are going to do (autocross, track day, just street driving) is that the N52 is lighter than the S54, so the balance is a bit different. ///M engines also have a tad more things to do for maintenance.
The favorite thing about it is the one thing I changed from the BMW stock equipment. Ditch the run-flats, and get Michelin Pilot Super Sports. It fixes most of the ride issues, and also fixes the tramlining issues with the run-flats.
I also have one with the super rare Jalopnik pack. I have a manual top, and manual M Sport Seats, and working turn signals.
I thought for a minute about selling it and getting a Z4M, but then focused on the fact that some track day organizers aren't convertible friendly.
So the goal with the M5 is to have something for those track days.
Convertible friendly? Z4 3.0si
Convertible hating? M5
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Also I posted a video on Oppo from when I was at AMP Friday.
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I fit that already. I have a 351W powered Ford F-150.
Normally gets about 14MPG on the Home Depot runs. Towing? 9-10MPG depending on how much I let it hold 3rd gear, and how much I want to hear the 351 Windsor rumble.
![]() 10/29/2013 at 09:18 |
You've touched on all the things I'm finding to be true. People still want silly money for the Z4M. The 3.0si is more in line with what I can spend. Finding on e with working turn signals is amazing! Good on you!
Good luck with the M5 hunt! What a car!
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Think of the Z4M as a BMW version of the Boxster S.
The Z4 3.0si is really a Miata with two more cylinders.
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More often than not, E39 M5 is the cure for what ails you.
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I'll take the car and the driver, you take Madonna.
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I approve. I hope to add one to the stable one day; hopefully my best opportunity hasn't passed...
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You might want to check the alignment on that M5 before you hit the road; I suspect that it might be just a little bit less than straight after that delivery...
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I want one. Almost went that way instead of the E90 (my first BMW).
You had a 335i before your M3, right? Any others prior to that?
![]() 10/29/2013 at 10:40 |
I did. My first BMW was a 2007 E92 335i (N54) - black sapphire metallic, saddle brown interior, sport package, good options, 6MT, BMW Performance Exhaust, Cobb tune and VMR CSL reps, among other things. Lemme find a couple pics.
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Very nice. Have never been a fan of wood trim in sports cars, but that saddle brown leather... Those wheels are great, too.
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I completely agree. I always wanted to change the wood trim but never got around to doing it. It certainly stands out in this picture but when driving the car you didn't really notice it as much.
I loved the saddle dakota leather, but was shocked by how much better the M3's fox red novillo leather is. That stuff's like butter.
Those wheels looked good but were a serious pain in the butt to clean. I swore I'd never have wheels that tedious to clean again. The 220Ms really arent that bad because you can get a bendy brush behind the spokes easily. My Apex ARC-8s are another story of course but I bought black track wheels specifically because I don't intend to clean them more than once per season (probably when I have spring fever in April).
![]() 10/29/2013 at 11:58 |
Yeah, the Novillo is great. Unfortunately, the prior owner's wife (?) did some some damage to the passenger's side bolster that I need to take care of at some point...
Mine's in for 60k maintenance today, and I've got an F30 as a loaner. The leather, if that's what it is, on the steering wheel is worse than my old Mazda 3! Can't wait to get my car back this afternoon.
I'll be itching to get back to the track in a few months, too. I'm going to have to get my winter set on in a few week, I'm afraid.
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So much disdain for the winter set. I have nothing against the 219 BBS wheels really, just that heavy winter rubber! I actually think they look pretty good on the car...it's just the driving dynamics. Blah.
I'm not a fan of the F30. It looks better in M-sport (solves the pinched front bumper look) but I still can't get over the hood line, mirrors or the interior. Looks like someone designed the dashboard, then decided to sink an iPad halfway into it after it was done. No thanks.
What does the 60k service entail? I just hit 38,000 last week so I'm not in imminent danger of 60k yet, but perhaps I should start socking money away? =D
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I actually go from summer (PSS) to all-season (Conti DWS), and I think my winters are actually lighter. Love the looks of the 220s, though.
Yeah, the hood line and nav. screen are terrible, and don't get me started on Auto Start/Stop. Engine sound is terrible, but it is an eager little mill.
I'd just done pads and brake fluid recently, and spark plugs were done at 30k (Mike Miller says a 60k interval is no problem), so I'm having them do an oil change, coolant flush, trans fluid and diff fluid (last two are my call - I don't believe in "lifetime" fluids). Those four are going to run me about a grand at the dealer - ugh. Wish I knew how to do more myself (or was brave enough to try to do more); hopefully I'll get up my nerve the next time around.
I did do the air filter myself (went AA Green) and will do the in-cabin filters once they show up as well.
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No, not crazy in the slightest. There's one in our family garage and it's just as exhilarating every time. In stock form and all. Anonymous on the freeway, terrifyingly perfect on a back road. If I could afford to keep one alive I'd have it already.
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I need to do my cabin filters. There's a thread on the forum (the DIY section maybe?) that has a link to replacements that are much more affordable than the OEM part number.
I did AA green as well. Those fluid services are a bitch. I just had my diff fluid flushed, oil service and brake fluid flush (now with Goodridge stainless lines!) at the end of June. The car was new to me in March and I wanted to make sure everything was right/fresh (especially before track duty). Plugs were done at 29k. Brakes I'm not worried about because they're uhh... on an "accelerated" replacement plan anyhow. I'm going to do manual trans fluid the next time it's in for oil I think. Looks like my 60k really will only consist of coolant flush and maybe plugs again. Might do those myself. Thanks for the info - makes me feel a lot better about the cost of the 60k service. No surprises.
I know what you mean about doing more yourself. Labor is so expensive even at indy BMW shops. Plus it's rewarding. Two weekends ago I swapped my pads back to stock and removed the door panel to fix the vapor barrier, which was letting water leak into the rear passenger footwell. So far so good. This past weekend I actually installed this exhaust in my tiny garage (pictured here in the car's natural habitat):
![]() 10/29/2013 at 15:26 |
Yeah, I found the DIY and ordered the ones off Amazon.
"Accelerated replacement" is right - nice. I was quoted $340 for manual trans fluid, so you know - I looked at the DIY and it looks like it would take some time to do, but the $ per hour at the dealer is crazy.
No problem about the info - I also hate going into these things "blind". Made sure to get all the prices beforehand.
I definitely need to get into doing my own pads - super easy? Any way to screw it up? Nice going on the exhaust. Green handle means diesel around here - ha!
I'm still on the stock exhaust, but love the sound of the OEM mod. Want to get test pipes and a tune first to see how much louder it gets. Don't want to piss of the neighbors too much...
![]() 10/29/2013 at 15:45 |
Yes, the ones on Amazon are what I mean! Need to order some myself.
Trans fluid flush for $340? Awful. Will be pricing that at a couple indys.
There's a DIY video on youtube of a brake pad swap actually that's reasonably good. I'd have a few things to add so let me know if you plan to do it yourself. I had experienced friends help me the first time but after that I've been doing it on my own. It's really quick once you get the hang of it. Here's the vid: Brake Pad DIY
Green handle here means I'm at a BP =)
I wanted to lose the OEM exhaust unit bc it's a massive, heavy suitcase. And it obstructs the wonderful view of the diff fins. The Dinan is too quiet, but I might delete the secondary cats to perk it up a bit more. I can't bring myself to do test pipes or a catless xpipe because I don't want the hassle every year at inspection time. There's no good way around OBDII readiness that I know of. You can turn off the check engine light but that isn't good enough for inspection... Neighbors? Lol. The cold start isn't thaaaaaaat bad!
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The PSS is a great tire! It's especially nice that they're not directional so you can swap them side to side to even out wear, even with a staggered setup. They don't like to be pushed toooooo hard but driven at 90% they're wonderful. I've heard great things about them in the wet, too, but haven't had the opportunity to track my set in the rain (not complaining...).
I watched the video you posted today - much better than the other one! Every time I see a video from AMP I think it looks like a rollercoaster for cars lol. Must be such a blast!
![]() 10/29/2013 at 16:14 |
Awful is right. I should have gotten the indy quote, but convenience won out over frugality this time.
Thanks for the link to the video.
No emissions testing (or even annual inspections) in OK - can't wait to let her breathe!
![]() 10/29/2013 at 16:30 |
You lucky bastard! The S65 really barks with no cats. It's savage.
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Wish I could just drop the money for it and get it done right now! Probably better that I got this car after I had a family to keep myself from going broke modifying it. I keep telling myself that if I change things slowly over time, it will stay "new" to me longer. I'd love to take this beast to 200k miles and give my kids the joy of driving it one day...
Just got a call from my SA - came in just under $850 for everything. Maybe they gave me a bad quote on the trans service (maybe they quoted me the DCT price?).
![]() 10/29/2013 at 19:19 |
Yeah with the exhaust, brake system stuff, camber plates and track set my car is now "done" for a while (unless I find used cf splitters). Not bad for the first 6 months! This winter I'm going to have to re-learn how to save money lol. No family here though, just a gf and an orange cat.
Glad to hear your final tally came in lower than expected! Now you can set that hundred bucks aside for your next high temp brake fluid flush =)